To Enable screen sharing Please follow the below steps

  1. Go back to the previously open Proctortrack tab/page which has the Share screen consent and follow step 1 and step 2  again. Refresh the page and in the pop-up,  select the window and click on ‘Share’.

    2. Once the candidate has clicked on ‘Share’ the Start Proctoring Button will be enabled.   please click on ‘Start Proctoring’          to enter into the Exam and close the newly open tab..

Note: If the start proctoring button is still not enabled after sharing the screen then you can check the below          steps

For Mac users

  • First Check  if the mac version is compatible then  click on the apple icon->system preferences->security and privacy->privacy->screenrecording->check the box in front of the google chrome browser 
  • Then  reload the step 1 and 2 pages and  click on the "click here" button to share the screen
  • Once the screen is shared  click on the start proctoring button

For Windows users

  •  First, check if the chrome browser is up-to-date
  • Then change the DNS to Google  DNS ( and
  • Please go to extensions ->manage extension->click on details on Proctortrack extension ->then enable the Allow access to file URLs
  • Then go to the site setting of the browser and allow the pop-ups and enable the cookies
  • Then reload the step 1 and 2 page and share the screen again and click on the "start proctoring" button " 

In the end, if none of the above steps worked then end the proctoring  start all over with the new plugin installed