
Please follow the below steps if students encounter below error.

Please follow the below steps to force quit the Proctortrack application on the edX Platform.

For Windows :

  • Open the task manager from the taskbar (By clicking right click on mouse).
  • Click on the Details tab.
  • Close the watchdog process by selecting WatchDogProcess.exe and click on End task.

Please refer to the below image:-

  • Close the Proctortrack process by selecting Proctortrack.exe and clicking on End task.

Please refer to the below image:-

For MAC:

  • Please press --> cmd+option+escape buttons, to open the force quit window Or please click on the Apple icon in top left corner,from a drop-down list select force quit menu.  
  • Then please force quit the watchdog process first
  • Then force quit the Proctortrack process